□ 深圳市尼克艺术设计有限公司创立于九十年代初中国经济改革的第一城市深圳,是国内最早注册的之一,是从事 建筑模型公司房地产模型以及商业模型和工业模型并包含景观模型的制作。以及设计和制作近年来兴起的数字模型以及城市规划模型和建筑模型还有电子沙盘等沙盘模型。 建筑动画设计制作的专业艺术公司。
□ 在近三十年的发展中,尼克在工艺技术,企业管理及经营规模上进行过多次的拓宽和变革,开阔的公司理念使尼克聚集了一批经过良好训练和具有优秀艺术素质及多年工作经验的专业工作人员,并先后在香港、北京、沈阳、南京、武汉、成都、石家庄设立了分支机构,以适应进步的需求。尼克作品在发展中也以其在艺术上的独特风格和精湛工艺,逐渐树立起了自己的品牌,作品的风格更波及了整个行业。
□ 近年,尼克正与国外同行业及众多的设计机构进行着广泛的交流和合作,不断地引进先进的工艺和技术,立求让其作品呈现更高的艺术品质,让更多的国内外客户获得更高品质的服务。
□ 尼克艺术,不断学习,不断进步。
□ Nickart was established in the early 90`s in Shenzhen, the first city during
China`s economic reform. We are one of the earliest companies registered
in China in model art, being a professional art company engaged in artistic
designs, architectural models designing and production, architectural effect drawings and architectural graphic design and production. In the recent 20
years of development, Nikcart has undergone a series of expansion and
reforms in technical technology, corporate management and operational
techniques. The expanded corporate concepts have resulted in the gathering of a group of well-trained professional staff with excellent artistic quality and many years of job experience, who have contributed in the setting up branch offices one after the other in Beijing, Shangyang and Nanjing to cope with the needs for progression. In the process of development, the work of Nickart has gradually built up its own brand-names in view of its unique artistic style and exquisite craftsmanship, and its style has influenced the entire sector in the business.
□ In the recent years, Nickart has engaged in intensive exchange and cooperation with foreign associates and numerous designers in the acquisition of advanced techniques and technologies so as to achieve a even higher artistic quality in its products and to enable its local and foreign customers enjoy enhanced services.
□ Nikart is progressing continuously by continued learning.